Common Asthma Treatments

Nowadays, there are some very effective types of asthma treatment available from your doctor to help you control your respiratory condition and alleviate its symptoms.

In this article I will be putting under the microscope the most common methods of treating asthma symptoms.

The most effective way of taking most treatments is to inhale the medicine to enable it to get straight into your lungs. There are a large variety of inhalers available to do this and it is important that you use a device that you're comfortable with and can use properly.

Your doctor can advise you on the most appropriate medical treatment along with a suitable inhaler device and should demonstrate how to use it properly. There are two common types of asthma medicine available, which I will explain below.

Two Most Common Forms of Treatment for Asthma

For sufferers of respiratory conditions such as asthma, there are two major ways in which to deal with it effectively through medications delivered via an inhaler device. These are best known as "relievers" and "preventers" outlined here:

  1. Relievers

    Reliever inhalers are usually blue. You take them to relieve symptoms as they occur. They work very quickly by relaxing the muscles that surround your narrowed airways. Relievers are essential for treating asthma attacks in the moment to bring express relief from extreme breathing difficulty and what could be a potential life threatening situation.

    If you need to use your reliever inhaler as often as three to four times a week, you should go to your doctor regularly to have your symptoms reviewed. This way your doctor will be able to prescribe medicines that will enable you to keep your symptoms under control.
  2. Preventers

    Preventers usually come in brown, orange or red inhalers. These work by controlling the swelling and inflammation that occurs in the airways, reducing their sensitivity and thereby reducing the risk of severe attacks.

    Their benefits build up over a period of time. For this reason they should be taken every day in the morning and evening, even when you're feeling well. Most preventers contain corticosteroid medicine.

    It's important to understand however that it's not the same as the anabolic steroids that are used by athletes to improve their performance. The corticosteroids in your inhaler are closely related to the natural steroids that your body already produces, making them relatively safe to take.

Other Kinds of Treatment

There are several other types of treatments and medicines that can be added to your reliever and/or preventer inhaler if needed. These include preventer tablets and long-acting relievers.

A visit to your own doctor is always the best way of discovering the right ways to deal with your own personal situation, since not everyone will need the same level of medication. By tailoring the right medicines and their dosages to your individual circumstances, your doctor will provide you with the most appropriate way to manage your condition.

For more information about new medicines that may be more effective in treating your symptoms, you should consult your doctor. Never buy unregulated medicines from sources you do not trust.

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