Cisca Saltpipe Review

One of the best known salt pipes currently on sale is the Cisca Saltpipe which comes in several formats that are covered in this review article.

Whether you are an asthmatic or sufferer of an allergic or medical breathing condition, these natural inhalers are perfect for helping to relieve the symptoms gently and without the side effects and other problems associated with drugs or medicated solutions.

Why Do You Need a Salt Pipe?

cisca saltpipeFirst of all, you need one of these devices if you have breathing difficulties.

That's because they use the natural healing properties of salt air to directly cleanse the airways, boost the body's own internal cleansing system and help fight infection and irritation that leads to inflammation in the bronchial passages.

The effect is similar to having a Himalayan salt lamp in the room you occupy, just more concentrated.

Choosing the best saltpipe for your needs is really the only important decision you should be making. They are proven to work and are endorsed by leading doctors and medical professionals as a complementary therapy to be used in conjunction with your medications and steroid inhalers.

Cisca Saltpipes

As already mentioned, there are several different models in the Cisca range that have their place in different people's armoury in their fight against respiratory problems. These are as follows:

Originally invented in Hungary and using Halite salt crystals, the patented inhaler has been available for over six years both in the UK and across the world. Due to its unique design incorporating a ceramic build, this product will last for five years and not require refilling in that time.

Models come with colour coded buttons so individuals in the same household can identify which is their personal pipe!

Using the Salt Pipe Inhaler

Using this device is very simple and quick. Just fifteen to twenty minutes per day is sufficient for it to do its amazing job at helping to alleviate your breathing problems by reducing the symptoms that have been ailing you.

To use, simply place the mouthpiece in your mouth, breathe in normally through your mouth, then breath out again through your nose. Repeat the breathing cycle for as long as you need, although 15-20 minutes is generally enough time and recommended by doctors.

At first it may taste a little salty but this is normal and will fade the next few times you use it. You will notice a difference in your breathing after a few days regular use.

After a week or so your breathing will be noticeably better and any coughing associated with your condition will be less frequent and less severe. A salt pipe for asthma sufferers is especially helpful in bring some relief from symptoms.

Use by Children

This device is completely safe for children of all ages to use. However, a good recommendation is for an adult to use the pipe for the first few times to lessen the saltiness of the air that is typical on the initial few uses.

This is simply because children don't like the salty taste so much. It will not do them any harm if they breathed in the salty air right away. Better to get them used to a less salty taste so they will be more inclined to use it.

Cisca vs Salitair: Salt Pipes Compared

When put up against another leading brand of salt pipe, the Cisca holds up very well. In usage, the two pipes are similar and have no difference in the healthy breathing benefits they bring.

However, there are some points you should be aware of when making your final choice of device to purchase:

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