Nutrisystem for Men

For quite a long time, most of the diets and weight loss programs available were typically designed for women.

For men that meant having to work with diets that were not really made specifically with a man's physical makeup in mind. Well, that has all changed now.

The hugely popular meal replacement diet food delivery company Nutrisystem now caters for men with a diet created specifically for men.

This article introduces one of the best home delivered meal replacement weight loss diet program made for guys, namely the Nutrisystem for Men diet.

What is Nutrisystem for Men?

Let's begin by explaining what this male diet program is and how it differs from the company's diets for women.

There are three main categories of Nutrisystem's weight loss diet offerings plus plans for diabetics, each sub-divided into its own program for women and for men. For men, the programs are:

Each plan has its own individual pricing structure, with the basic, done for you menu being the lowest cost, rising to the most expensive fully customized version. I will explain in more detail what each plan comprises of later in the article.

Each diet menu is created to cater for the increased calorie intake required by the male physical body as compared with that of the female body. This accounts for the differences in meal composition and price.

To increase the calorific intake, the men's diet plans all come with an additional protein bar to be eaten daily.

Many of the meals on the men's diet menu include additional protein and there are a number of what the company refers to as ″more man-friendly″ meals such as burgers and pizza.

Author Opinion: I don't quite see the relevance of adding high carb meals such as a burger in a bun or pizza. These foods strike me as promoting weight gain rather than the weight loss proposed by the diet program. However, as a marketing ploy, attracting guys to buy the diet with the promise of masculine-oriented meals seems to be a commercial success.

How Easy Is This Program to Use?

nutrisystem for menUsing the Nutrisystem diet plan made specifically for men is like having the bonus of your very own personal chef right there with you at home!

You don't have to do anything yourself more complicated than taking a meal out of the pantry or freezer, placing it in the microwave and setting the timer according to what it says on the packet.

Oh, wait, you mean you have to know how to work a microwave? I'm only kidding you! You just choose your preferred foods online (or you can do it over the phone) and they are delivered straight to your doorstep. It really is that simple!

Here's How Simple It Really Is:

To give you an idea or several on just how easy this program is to work with, here's the lowdown on what just about anyone can and should do if they want to lose weight.

  1. To jump start your weight loss with Nutrisystem and visit their website
  2. Select the Men's Diet Program and what kind of food do you want
  3. Order, and then wait for your meals to be delivered directly to your door!

That's how easy it is! Now you can start your diet with this program without hassles or any complicated decision making.

Since a big part of the process of weight loss is in the mind, having this motivatingly easy system to follow can really boost your results!

The best part of all is you get great meals for an entire month. You don't have to even think about what to eat for all that time!

What Goes Into the Meals?

The Nutrisystem weight loss program is designed to include foods containing low Glycemic Index (GI) carbohydrates combined with the right proportions of protein and fiber while still being low in fat.

Each item of food fits perfectly into the working Nutrisystem diet low GI meal plan and they're very easy to follow.

You just start by grabbing a tasty entree, to which you can add in some grocery items like fresh fruit, vegetables, salads and dairy items and then you're ready to go! When you visit the company's official website you'll see the different types of food offers as well as the Nutrisystem price of each plan.

Since each of the entrees, snacks and desserts is perfectly portioned, there's no need to go to the bother of weighing, measuring or counting calories and points. You just enjoy great-tasting food that's ready to go literally in minutes!

While there are a number of gluten-free diet meal choices if you require them, you can also choose from tasty meals such as pizza, pasta, burgers and even chips to keep things interesting.

More Information

Ready to start or want more information about this great diet? Visit the Nutrisystem Men Diet Program on their official website (click the image link below) to get your amazing meal replacement pack for a full 28 days including protein shakes, snack bars and all your meals.

Disclosure: Advertisement paid by Nutrisystem Nutrisystem for men
CLICK HERE for More Details - NOW!

Included in the deal is access to personal weight loss coaching, 24/7 help from trained counsellors and peace of mind in knowing that together, you can regain the slender, great looking shape you always wanted!

Advantages and Disadvantages of Nutrisystem for Men

As with just about every diet program, there are advantages (pros) and disadvantages (cons) to attempting to lose weight with Nutrisystem's men's diet plans.

Here I will take a look at the more prominent pros and cons to reveal what you will be getting into when you order your first meal plan from them.


For anyone who wants to lose weight but doesn't want to change their eating habits with regard to mealtimes (just not meal composition), Nutrisystem for men can provide you with five meals per day so you won't feel hungry.

Not only does this program keep your need for eating satisfied, it does it by providing all your meals for a 28-day period at ta time. That means you get breakfast, lunch and dinner with dessert, plus two protein bars to eat between meals as well as protein shakes.

You get to choose from a menu of over 100+ meal options, so you'll never get bored with the food! The program works on the assumption that an average size man needs around 1500 calories per day to maintain health levels while losing weight.

This system is so easy, almost anyone can follow it and the convenience of ready-made meals makes it perfect for busy guys who don't have time to prep and cook their own meals.


A lot of research has gone into a variety of methods for losing weight from many different sources, with a number of results, some of them conflicting, to absorb and understand.

One of these is that it appears to be more beneficial to reducing the amount of stored fat to eat fewer meals per day than to eat more, smaller meals and snacks. The reasoning behind this stance is that frequent eating promotes frequent high levels of insulin to deal with the barrage of sugars entering the blood stream.

Insulin is the hormone released by the body to remove sugar from the blood and store it as fat. Ergo, insulin is a fat storage hormone. More insulin therefore means more fat storage and of more concern, the reduced ability to access fat cells for fuel (no fat burning).

With this in mind, the Nutrisystem philosophy of eating five small meals each day to help prevent periods of hunger may be a double edged sword.

On the one hand, many overweight people have become that way because of eating foods high in sugars too often throughout the day, often including a late night snack before going to bed. By getting on one of Nutrisystem's plans, they point is to slowly wean dieters off eating so much sugar (much of it as refined or simple carbohydrates), while maintaining their habit of eating frequently.

To the proponents of the ″eat fewer meals″ camp, this may appear as a disadvantage to the diet, as it does nothing to redress the underlying problem of excessive insulin caused by frequent eating and therefore the inability to burn fat as fuel.


For men who need to lose weight but also need a system that doesn't take up any of their time or require them to prep and cook meals, one of the Nutrisystem for Men plans is a perfect solution.

Since all your meals are delivered to your home for a 28 day period, there is very little else to do aside from eating the food and watching the pounds drop off week by week!


Last Updated: May 17, 2024